3 Simple Ways to Prepare Your Heart for Easter
Easter is just around the corner! We are in the midst of the season of Lent, a time of reflection and preparation for the celebration of Jesus' death and resurrection.

Today I want to offer three simple ways that you can prepare your heart for Easter in the upcoming weeks.
1. Create a Worship Playlist Focused on the Resurrection
There are so many amazing songs that put us in touch with the grief and gravity of Good Friday, and the celebration and new life of that wonderful empty tomb 3 days later. One easy way to prepare your heart for Easter is to gather your favorites into a playlist that you can listen to in the car, while cooking dinner, or walking to class!
To help you start, some of my favorites are "For the Cross," by Brian/Jenn Johnson and Bethel Music, "Forever," by Kari Jobe, and "Jesus Paid it All," by Shane and Shane.
2. Read Through the Gospels
One of the simplest ways we can connect our spirits to the "heartbeat" of this Lenten season is by reading the story of Jesus' life and death. If you don't have time to read through all the Gospels, I recommend starting with John! Try and identify any parts that Jesus focuses on or foreshadows his death and resurrection.
One way you can make this even more powerful is by following a reading plan with a friend, and sharing anything that stands out to you as you read.
3. Serve.
Easter is all about Jesus' self-sacrificial love, and the cross is the ultimate example. If we're not "feeling it" this Easter season, or we've lost touch of the gravity of his sacrifice, try getting out of your head and opening your hands to serve others. When we focus on being his hands and feet and serving other people when it is not convenient or easy for us, we receive a small taste of what Jesus experienced on the cross.
Is your church having Easter services or events? A great way to start serving is by volunteering to help out!
Let me know in the comments if you end up implementing this list, and pass along to a friend! :)